spring 2022 co-op 1

20 years old with my first internship semester with no internship lined up. I ended up here.
Later on I ended up getting one that meant 4 am wake up calls but that wasn’t was this chapter was about ... 

It was our first trip. Only two days after landing but who could turn down 24 hours on the Big Island with 1 uhaul, 2 friends and endless sights to see.

This is Mauna Kea.  A huge inactive volcano. The highest point in Hawaii. So high we had to stop halfway to make sure we didn’t altitude sickness.

Sadly, we didn’t know you had to have four wheel drive and even though our uhual was a massive diesel gussler it didn’t have the capabilites. But lucky for us we found Moana and Hamza and they offered to take us up.

Part of me thought stranger danger that lead to heart palpatations but I had a friend so f it.  

Anxiety then amazement then magic. 

A sunset above the clouds. 

On the way down, everyone followed each other. It was our little community in the midst of very isolating terrain.

And then it was over. But we had a whole new island waiting for us.

This is Em. Better known as Bem. She was my buddy on this adventure. Two young college girls who met 4 months before moving
decided one day in the computer lab to go to Hawaii. Without any jobs and a low savings, we did it. 

There are moments that feel like pure gold. Many of those moments Bem has been a part of and many moments that felt the opposite. But she is the type of friend who makes it all seem lighter. She is one of the people who made this chapter of life what it was... magic.

Oahu felt like an extended vacation.

Never a place to stay for the future. Becuase it never felt for me. There are people who belong there and I will never be one.

But I am so grateful to have experienced its beauty, people, and purity. While I could never claim it, there is a glow that remains in my vision. Permantly marked by the beauty I got to see there.

We body surfed and laughed.
New friends
new sights
the Kamehameha Highway
And a blue bug.

This is Sophie but everyone calls her Soap. A third of my crew here. We met on island but it felt like I’ve known her forever. She is the friend that no matter the distance, I always want her around in life. If you stay around you can here about how we swam in the rain and it was joyous.

She is a presence that brings kindess, wisdom, and happiness to every moment.
One of the reasons I was meant to go to Oahu was to meet her. And I am so glad I did.

Community is the core of Hawaii. 

6 am Em and I embarked on the journey to experience a world surf competition at pipeline... pinch me.

We got in our Hui and drove.

The energy was palpable. And the parking spots were slim. 

But we made it and got to see the sunrise too.

There was a group of little boys behind us giving us all the insights on the surfers. 

I thought to myself what a reality they live. One that I get to be a part of for a little while. 

Kelly won. 

We are smoothie bowls  and I got over my fear of blue berries. 

Lost in the jungle with Pops.

Enjoying sunsets at Christmas Tree Park with Soap.

Soap and Jordan at Surf and Salsa for taco night. Jordan was the last part of our crew. A adventurous soul who taught me how to surf. She charges the world exploring every end. She is a friend that was seasonal but her energy for life inspires me beyond our time on Oahu. 

I miss their burritos. 

A week full of adrenaline.

Me and Kaybae since Findlay.
Enjoying Kailua.
Jumping out of the air.
Swimming with “water puppies”
We laughed...the entire time.

Then this chapter was coming to an end. With my looking 21st birthday, my two favorite woman came to see me; my mom and grandma.
We spent the weekend surrounded by Lanai’s lush beauty and experiencing the peace that oozes out of the island.


Then in a second it was over.
My first time living in a new place fully independent.

Oahu showed me what is what like to live a life that didn’t feel like mine.
Both for the good and the bad.

For all of it, thank you Oahu.
