In the summer of 2024, I was invited to be a founding member of the

alchemy research cohort

led by faculty John Dixon from industrial design and Emily Verba-Fischer from communication design. 

Made up of 6 students from both respective majors. Exploring alchemical processes in the pursuit of
pure curiosity to excite each other in our design practices.

Lydia Masset 
Zoe Moellering
Skylar Huster
Cece Favorito
Jacob Waltz
Izzy Zalat (me)

website coming soon

”As you will see, hidden doorways are everywhere, and when you apply your curiousity, the alchemy that occurs breaks down barriers, giving rise to great freedom to explore. Without your curiosity, the world-in-waiting remains concealed.” The Secret Life of Babies by Mia Kalef