fall 2023 study abroad



I landed in Amsterdam and made my way to Delft. Soaking in the green grass and mossy canals. On the train there I sat next to a woman who had just moved to the Netherlands from NYC. I wondered If that was a later version of me. 

I ate fried fish at my first Saturday market. It was at time overstimulating but beautiful to see the locals just exist in regular weekend activities. 

School started and I met my classmates that came from all ends of the world. I dressed extra colorful as the days were gloomy but spirits were high.



My favorite city. The architecture, winter swim dips, and streets line with fashionable people on bikes. It was a dream world. 


Cec’s bday weekend in the mountains. It was so serene. The journey there was a bit hectic with the surprise of a cancelled flight. But once I arrived, we took the ferry on the lake and smelled the crisp air. We laughed as we got caught in a crazy rain storm down mt. rigi and shivered as we tried to keep warm. A short but sweet trip.

I found a little cafe in the woods a little bike ride from my apartment. It became my safe space. I will be the first to admit that this chapter brought me low moments. But the surroundings brought peaceful farmland for a breathe of fresh air. I’m thankful for it.


Somehow I ended up going to Iceland with 3 aussie boys. I was nervous but mostly ESTATIC. Iceland was top of my bucket list and it did not let me down. Its hard to put into words so I will let the pictures speak for itself. The most epic adventure with many hot dogs and inside jokes.


My family came to see me. I needed them.
The trip was insightful, beautiful, and at times stressful.
But they are my favorite company regardless of our tiffs.



I said goodbye to Delft, my trusty orange bike, and all my abroad buddies. Regardless of the hard moments, it didn’t make saying goodbye easier. 

I will always remeber this view. It was along my bike ride to school.
I loved to take in the crisp air and spot any new boats on the canal. 

I’ll miss the big windows, bikes,
and beautiful friendships.
