summer 2023 co-op 3
This chapter began before the actual move. 

My Mom and I were driving on a random rode coming back from my time in California. Looking for gas we stumbled upon a Prada store with absoluting nothing else around. The about 30 minutes late a small art town appeared. 


I decided then and there I wanted to live out there someday.

It came true three months later.

This was my view from work. But before I knew that, I was wondering about and took a picture of a little sculpture store on the corner. 

The next day I walked in and met Belle. I asked her if they were taking interns. To my luck, they were.

3 months later I made the drive to the desert. Unknowningly entering the one of the most enlightening and strengthing chapters I have yet to life.

I drove through the scattered clouds. It is so vast you can clearly see the shadows they leave behind.

From nothing to a small little town. Quiet streets and pops of colorful homes. It was serene.
My first day of work came the next day. The boots I brought were fresh and ready to be broken in. I got right to work. 

Everything was so out of my comfort zone. However, it all felt like a piece of me hidden down. 

No matter the fear I had of the perception of my being in this new environment, it was all so exciting. I felt powerful (even though my muscles were crying for the first week). 
For my first excursion, I took a trip down to Big Bend National Park. 

I had hiked by myself but this was its own beast. The west Texas desert during the summer is hot and unforgiving. You have to be prepped because its just you and the birds. 

It was me and my camera. To my luck, I had a couple hiking a little ahead of me. There were still many moments of peace but also felt a layer of safety. 

It was the first time I realized how much I craved me to be out in the open but felt true comfort with people around. I always thought I was a loner.
There is a trail just outside of the city. I hiked it with Belle, Thomas, and Ellis. It was one our first memories all together. My best memories in the desert were spent with them.  
Ellis’s drawings on an abandoned home next door. Being surrounded with childhood curiosity is a priceless gift.
One night at an outdoor concert. I felt like an outsider but it didn’t sting. It was uncomfortable but I didn’t feel the need to try to fit in.

So I sat a little farther from the croud and appreciated the sights. Contemplating where I would fit in.
My family came to visit. We had hot dogs, walks around the town, and goatheads in the puppies paws. It was exciting to show them around.

Working a hands-on job is hard. It was very outside of my comfort zone. But suprisingly, I miss it. I miss opening the garage to the rugged nature outdoors. I miss the smell of wet concrete. I miss sweating so much that it gave me satisfaction in my hard work. It was rewarding. Hard but rewarding.

The desert is tough but it gives back in ways beyond that can be seen.

At the end of the summer after a hard work week, me and the crew retreated to New Mexico. We swam in clear springs and explored dark caves. I am so thankful for Belle, Thomas, Ellis, and Bubba. 

They are kind and inspiring. Living life with them for the summer was the unexpected but truly enlightening. My most memorable summer. 

The western texas desert is special.
I miss it.
