fall 2022 co-op 2

LA. The city of sun and pink stars. A controversial place but I loved it. I will forever love it. 

The trip out west.

Dad in the drivers seat.
Serg the Subaru leading the way.
Looking at lots of rocks.
We cruised our way to the golden state.

24 hours in the Cali sun I got to see one of my favorite humans ... Valentina but I call her V. She showed me around her favorite beach and we did headstands. Her soul radiates in the same way the sun does. Time with her was unexpected but the best surprise. 

I slowed down.
Focused on replenishing.
Found myself swimming,
stretching, and walking.
Loving the peace.

I found my favorite beach.

It had parking always. A major contributor to why I loved it. 
The sunsets here became a weekly actvity. Reading the 
book Know My Name but Chanel Miller and soaking in the
salty air. It became the center of my experience in LA.

I joined a girl hike group and met Anu. She has sweetest heart with the same love for food as me. We went to concerts and fed our foodie hearts. 
What more could one ask for?


Went to NYC for a work trip. While I didn’t know it then, it is a place that will be added to the living lens collection.

My beautiful cousin Maya came to visit me. We are only three months apart and have been besties since birth.

She has a fiery energy that is constantly making me get outside my comfort zone to experience more of life. Her visit was filled with rain, dancing to Florence, and really good Korean food. I got to feel like a tourist. Our dynamic is familiar and it was so fulfilling to have her around. I love our adventures.

Cec! We pranced all over Santa Barbara. Looking into a life she lived in the previous spring. Ate green curry mussels, stumbled upon Pepperdine, and hung out with all her buddies out west. 

She is a constant in this crazy life we both live. We ebb and flow with each other and it turns into a beautiful dance. I am inspired by how she sees the world and grateful to be a friend by her side. Heres to everyone finding a friend as goofy and authentic as Cece.

My time was over. I said goodbye to my favorite place. It is still the place that makes me feel most me but there is more exploration to be done. 

My mom and I left for home.

We were on our way when we stumbled upon Marfa.
A little desert town filled with art.
To my surprise, it was my next independent adventure.
